sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010


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quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

Programa do Curso e Bibligrafia

Segue abaixo o Programa do Curso com bibliografia de referência.

Caso tenham interesse, possuímos um breve currículo da Professora Beaudry em arquivo PDF. Para pedí-lo entre em contato conosco pelo e-mail


A perspective on historical archaeology from boston, usa

Day 1 (Monday, August 9)

Lecture: An overview of historical archaeology in the US

¨ Origins in the historic preservation movement

¨ Rise of anthropological approach

¨ Theoretical schools

¨ Current issues & practice

Discussion/seminar session

Day 2 (Tuesday, August 10)

Lecture: Explorations in urban archaeology: Lowell & Boston

¨ Urban landscape: space & environment

¨ Cities & the construction of material identities

¨ Alternative households: boardinghouses & brothels

Discussion/seminar session

Day 3 (Wednesday, August 11)

Lecture: Case studies of wealth & poverty

¨ Merchants, farmers, families: Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm, Newbury, Massachusetts

¨ Archaeology of the working poor in Boston

¨ Life on the edge: Milton, South Uist, Outer Hebrides, Scotland

¨ In the shadow of the volcano: Montserrat, West Indies

Discussion/seminar session

Day 4 (Thursday, August 12)

Lecture: Writing historical archaeology

¨ Archaeological biography

¨ Constructing alternative narratives/archaeological storytelling

¨ Microhistory & historical archaeology

Discussion/seminar session

Day 5 (Friday, August 13)

Lecture & discussion: Interpretive historical archaeology today

A perspective on historical archaeology

List of readings by topic:

1. Overview of historical archaeology in the US

Dan Hicks and Mary C. Beaudry, 2006. Introduction: The Place of Historical Archaeology. In The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology, ed. by Dan Hicks and Mary C. Beaudry, 1–9. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Little, Barbara J., 2009. Family Resemblances: A Brief Overview of History, Anthropology, and Historical Archaeology in the United States. In The International Handbook of Historical Archaeology, ed. by Teresita Majewski and David Gaimster, pp. 363–382. Springer, New York.

Beaudry, Mary C., 2007, Preface: Historical Archaeology with Canon on the Side, Please. In The ABC of CHAT: Contemporary Historical Archaeology in Theory, ed. by Angela Piccini, Laura McAtackney, and Matthew M. Palus, 1–3. British Archaeological Reports (Contemporary and Historical Archaeology Series).

Leone, Mark P., 2009. Making Historical Archaeology Post-Colonial. In The International Handbook of Historical Archaeology, ed. by Teresita Majewski and David Gaimster, pp. 159–168. Springer, New York.

2. Urban archaeology

Mayne, Alan, and Tim Murray, 2001. The Archaeology of Urban Landscapes: Explorations in Slumland. In The Archaeology of Urban Landscapes: Explorations in Slumland, ed. by Alan Mayne and Timothy Murray, 1–7. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

Balicki, Joseph F., 1998, Wharves, Privies, and the Pewterer: Two Colonial Period Sites on the Shawmut Peninsula, Boston. In Perspectives on the Archaeology of Colonial Boston, ed. by Charles Cheek, pp. 99–120. Historical Archaeology, special thematic issue.

Heck, Dana B., and Joseph F. Balicki, 1998, Katherine Naylor's "House of Office": A Seventeenth-Century Privy. In Perspectives on the Archaeology of Colonial Boston, ed. by Charles Cheek, pp. 24–37. Historical Archaeology, special thematic issue.

Mary C. Beaudry, 2006. Stories That Matter: Material Lives in 19th-Century Boston and Lowell, Massachusetts, USA. In Cities in the World 1500–2000: Papers given at the Conference of the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology, April 2002, ed. by Adrian Green & Roger Leech, 249–268. Maney Publishing, London.

Mary C. Beaudry and Stephen A. Mrozowski, 2001. Cultural Space and Worker Identity in the Company City: Nineteenth-Century Lowell, Massachusetts. In The Archaeology of Urban Landscapes: Explorations in Slumland, ed. by Alan Mayne and Timothy Murray, 118–131. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Mary C. Beaudry, 1993. Public Aesthetics versus Personal Experience: Archaeology and the Interpretation of 19th-Century Worker Health and Well Being in Lowell, Massachusetts. Historical Archaeology 27(2): 90–105.

3. Case studies of wealth & poverty

Beaudry, Mary C., 2008. “Above Vulgar Economy”: The Intersection of Historical Archaeology and Microhistory in Writing Archaeological Biographies of Two New England Merchants. In Small Worlds: Twelve Studies in Microhistory, ed. by James Brooks, Christopher DeCorse, and John Walton, 173–198. School of Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM.

Beaudry, Mary C., 1998. Farm Journal: First Person, Four Voices. Historical Archaeology 32(1): 20–33.

Beaudry, Mary C., 1995. Scratching the Surface: Seven Seasons Digging at the Spencer-Pierce-Little Farm, Newbury, Massachusetts. Northeast Historical Archaeology 24: 19–50.

Symonds, James, 2010. Stooping to Pick up Stones: A Reflection on Urban Archaeology. In Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic Perspectives, ed. by Mary C. Beaudry and James Symonds. Springer, New York, forthcoming.

Symonds, James, 2003. An imperial people? Highland Scots, emigration and the British colonial world. In Archaeologies of the British: Explorations of Identity in Great Britain and its Colonies 1600–1945, ed. by Susan Lawrence, pp. 138–155. Routledge, London.

Beaudry, Mary C., 2001-02. Trying to Think Progressively About 19th-Century Farms. Northeast Historical Archaeology 30/31: 129–142

4. Writing Historical Archaeology

Little, Barbara J., 1992. Text-Aided Archaeology. In Text-Aided Archaeology, ed. by Barbara J. Little, pp. 1–6. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Beaudry, Mary C., 1995. Introduction: Ethnography in Retrospect. In The Written and the Wrought: Complementary Sources in Historical Anthropology, ed. by M. E. D’Agostino, , E. Prine, E. Casella, and M. Winer, pp. 1–16. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 79. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.

Joyce, Rosemary A., 2002. The Languages of Archaeology : Dialogue, Narrative and Writing (Social Archaeology). Blackwell, Oxford. Chapter 1.

Joyce, Rosemary A., 2006. Writing Historical Archaeology. In The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology, ed. by D. Hicks and M. C. Beaudry, pp. 48–65. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Wilkie, Laurie A., 2006. Documentary Archaeology. . In The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology, ed. by D. Hicks and M. C. Beaudry, pp. 13–33. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

5. Interpretive historical archaeology

Wilkie, Laurie A., 2009. Interpretive Historical Archaeologies. In The International Handbook of Historical Archaeology, ed. by Teresita Majewski and David Gaimster, pp. 333–346. Springer, New York.

Mary C. Beaudry and James Symonds, 2010. Introduction: Transatlantic Dialogues and Convergences. In Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic Perspectives, ed. by Mary C. Beaudry and James Symonds. Springer, New York, forthcoming.

Mary C. Beaudry, 2010. Stitching Women’s Lives: Interpreting the Artifacts of Sewing and Needlework. In Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic Perspectives, edited by Mary C. Beaudry and James Symonds. Springer, New York, forthcoming.

Yamin, Rebecca, 2010. Revelations: Comments on Interpreting the Early Modern World. In Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic Perspectives, ed. by Mary C. Beaudry and James Symonds. Springer, New York, forthcoming.

Bem Vindos!

Bem vindos ao Blog de divulgação do Curso de Arqueologia Histórica Americana.

O curso será realizado em Belo Horizonte, no edifício da Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (FAFICH/UFMG), entre os dias 9 e 13 de agosto, das 9:00 às 13:00.

O curso será ministrado pela arqueóloga americana Mary Beaudry com acompanhamento do arqueólogo Andrés Zarankin, e fará parte de um conjunto de diversas atividades que serão realizadas pela professora em sua visita ao Brasil bem como em nosso Programa de Mestado. Beaudry é professora do Departamento de Arqueologia da Universidade de Boston (EUA), sua especialização em arqueologia e antropologia abrangem os mais diversos aportes (gênero, cotidiano, colonialismo, arqueologia histórica), fazendo de seu trabalho referência internacional no tema proposto pelo curso. Zarankin é professor do Departamento de Sociologia e Antropologia da UFMG, também com trabalhos desenvolvidos na interface entre antropologia e arqueologia, desenvolvidos na America Latina e, seu projeto mais recente, Antartida.

O curso será dado em inglês sem tradução simultânea, com vagas limitadas à 20 inscritos. Não há qualquer taxa para a inscrição, e será conferido um certificado ao final. A conclusão do curso depende da presença mínica de 75% (4 dos 5 dias) do inscrito e do sucesso na avaliação. A forma de avaliação será definida no decorrer das aulas.

Para inscrever-se, basta enviar um e-mail com seu Nome completo, ocupação, vinculação institucional/empregatícia, uma justificativa e seu CV para o endereço até o dia 5 de julho.

Quaisquer dúvidas, não hesite em nos contactar pelo mesmo e-mail.